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Randalstown Central Primary School

OLIVER JUNIOR TICKETS - To Order From THIS Friday 15th March !

13th Mar 2024

Dear Parents,

We are delighted to announce that tickets for our 2024 production of Lionel Bart's Oliver Junior will be available to order, from this Friday...15th March. Tickets will cost £5 per person and this will include some light refreshments during the interval. The show will run for three nights- Tuesday 30th April, Wednesday 1st May and Thursday 2nd May, starting each night at 7.00pm. The assembly hall can hold 150 people per night and tickets will be given out on a first come, first served basis.

From Friday you will be able to order your tickets via ParentMail, for each of the performances. I know lots of the children will have different family and friends who want to come and see them perform, so I would advise spreading these people over the 3 nights if possible.

To help with the organisation of the tickets, we would ask anyone wanting tickets to reserve them using ParentMail. However, we are only accepting cash as a payment method. Indicate on ParentMail which night you would like tickets for and how many, then send cash in to school with your child in a named envelope. Please try and send correct money only. Once tickets have been paid for, we will issue your tickets and send them home with your child. For anyone in the community who wants to buy tickets but is not on ParentMail, they can either contact the school office to reserve tickets, or email Mr Charlwood at, stating how many tickets they would like and for which night.

Please note, due to fire regulations we can only have 150 people in the hall per night. If the night you want has already filled all the slots, you may be asked to change to an alternative evening. Payment for all tickets must be received by Friday 19th April.