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Randalstown Central Primary School


16th Sep 2024
 Last week P1 went out to see if we could find any apples on the trees in the...
16th Sep 2024
The P5 children engaged in the Healthy Me programme delivered by Action Mental Health. ...
11th Sep 2024
A magical, mysterious fairy door has appeared in the P3 classroom! Where did it come...
11th Sep 2024
The P5 children have created their own black and white self-portraits.  The...
11th Sep 2024
Well done to this P5 pupil who achieved the 'settling in' award this week.
6th Sep 2024
Star Of The Week In Primary 4
6th Sep 2024
The P5 children enjoyed a lovely treat to cool down this afternoon.           
6th Sep 2024
P3 had a great day to round of a very busy week of super learning! We are really...
2nd Sep 2024
P2 have had a great and busy few days settling into school. We sang songs, shared...
30th Aug 2024
Primary 4 enjoyed a nice little treat this afternoon after a great first week back...